Nigerian designs new software to reduce long queues at ATMs

Since the introduction of ATM’s, people withdrawing a considerable low amount of money inside a financial institution (over the counter withdrawal) are usually referred back to ATM. This introduces queue most times on the ATM. The queue gets almost static if the people on the queue are withdrawing large amount of notes that is more than what the ATM can bring out per dispense. Usually financial institutions that offer the services of ATM even modify the notes per dispense of their ATM’s to be lower than the default. They do this to checkout dispense error that might occur when the ATM dispenser is dispensing large number of notes.
The ATM user will have to enter his/her details again if the cash and or note amount he/she is withdrawing is larger than the notes per dispense of the ATM hardware. This really causes delay in the ATM usage, this delay is mostly felt when there is queue on the ATM, sometimes even, this delay introduces a bad scenario like people harassing and humiliating each other on the queue.

This new invention tackles these problems that arise when much people on an ATM queue are withdrawing large amount of cash and or notes that is more than what the ATM dispenser hardware can dispense. The problems that arise includes delay, people harassing and humiliating each other on the queue, the user having to enter his/her details over and over till he/she is done with his/her wholly intended withdrawal. My invention tackles these problems by allowing the user to enter once, his/her details and the wholly intended withdrawal amount, and then manipulates the ATM dispenser to pay the user his/her wholly intended amount in a designated sequence that still satisfies the ATM notes per dispense.

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