Know Thy Body: Know your measurements before you shop. Not only will it cut down the time you spend trying on clothes, it will help you choose outfits that fit your body perfectly. Among the most important body parts to measure are your bust, chest, hips and waist.
Don't Go Too Tight Or Too Loose: Dressing for your size doesn't just mean
nixing clothes that are too tight from your wardrobe. It also means you shouldn't wear clothes that are too baggy. Both will make you look frumpy.
Make Sure You Can Walk In Them: There are some occasions we'd sacrifice comfort for fashion. After all, four inch heels guarantee that legs-for-miles look. But if it looks better than it actually feels on your foot, you probably won't wear it. Don't waste your money (or endure the pain).
Peek-A-Boo Isn't Cute: Button down blouses are intended to do one thing and one thing alone — stay buttoned down. It looks sloppy if we can see what lies beneath your shirt.
Be A Lone Wolf: Shop solo. You'll be able to concentrate more on hunting down exactly what you're looking for. You'll save a lot of time while you're at it too.
Try On Three Sizes, Not One: Shoe sizes vary among designers and brands. Start by trying on your usual shoe size, then try on one pair that's a half-size smaller and a second pair that's a half-size larger. When in doubt, buy the shoes that are a half-size larger.
Know Your Colours: Know which colours will flatter you the most by figuring out if the undertones in your skin are either warm or cold. The experts at The Fashion Spot say women with cool undertones look best in white, black, gray, silver, and shades of blue. Women with warm undertones will be dazzling in shades of yellow, gold, brown, green and red.
Organize Your Closet: Organize your closet. This way you'll be able to see what you own (and actually wear it). Separate your clothes by garment. Figure out what what can be folded neatly and what needs to be hanged. Make sure you get the right hangers for shirts, skirts and pants. Use storage shelves to store your purses and intimates and buy a shoe rack. For more detailed instructions on how to tackle this task, check out what our friends at Lucky Magazine have to say.
Work Out Stylishly: Come on, let's be serious, the gym can be an intimidating place with so many buff, sweaty bods. We'd be lying if we didn't say we never wore mascara before lacing up. But hitting the gym shouldn't make you fret. It should make you feel good. Getting some trendy workout clothes that fit your body will make you feel more confident and encourage you to break a sweat.
Organize Your Jewelry: Store all your jewelry in a jewelry box. You're less likely to lose them when they have a home. Not only will they be easier to find in one handy location, you'll remember what you already own so you don't buy pieces you don't need. Your jewelry will also last much longer when it's protected.
Alter Your Clothes: It's important when you're investing in articles of clothing that become staples, like blazers and pants, that you have them tailored. It will ensure your money is well-spent, will make the piece that much more special and will make you feel great every time you wear it. After all, it only fits you.
Know Your Neckline: Making note of what works for you and what doesn't is key and neckline plays a huge roll in this. The neckline is the part that shows off your pretty face, so be sure to get it right.
Donate Clothes You'll Never Wear: Stop hoarding. If you haven't worn it recently, then you probably never will. To help decide if you should toss it or not, the experts at Apartment Therapy suggest you answer the following questions: Do you like cut, fabric and colour? Are you comfortable wearing it? Does it fit you now (no, not if you lose 3 inches off your waist in the next month)? Can any damages like stains or holes be fixed? Do you have more than one place to wear it? Can it be combined with other articles of clothing in your closet? When was the last time you wore it (if it's been over a year, nix it)?
Nix The Change Purse: Change purses can be useful, but if yours rarely sees daylight, either because you don't put change in it, or worse, never take change out of it (this is just dead weight), then it's time to say goodbye.
Body Shapers: Thank goodness body shaping has evolved from Victorian waspies to Spanx (after all, we want you to be able to breathe). Body shapers are ideal for hiding excess bulge (who likes the sight of love handles or muffin tops?) and allows clothes to glide on smoothly.
LImit Accessories: We love accessories, but we have to draw the line somewhere. If you're throwing yourself an arm party, then it might be better to steer clear of too many rings. If you're wearing large earrings that scream for attention, then you might want to forgo an equally radiant necklace — they will only work against each other.
Purse Essentials: A purse isn't just a fashion statement. It's main purpose is functional. You carry it around wherever you go so it needs to contain some essentials: your wallet, a pen, pain killers, hand sanitizer, tissues, make-up essentials (we personally won't leave the house without lip stick and/or lip balm), hand cream, gum or breath mints, tampons or maxi pads (no one wants to be caught off guard during that time of the month), and for those of you who spend lengthy bouts talking, texting or gaming, bring your phone charger along.
When In Doubt, Overdress: There's nothing worse than showing up an event underdressed. Maybe the invite didn't specify or involved the word casual — but everyone else dressed up not so casually. If you don't know what the dress code is, overdress. There's no harm in looking too pulled together, but you'll feel uncomfortable if you think you look out of place.
Wear Nice Underwear: Wearing nice underwear every day will make you feel special. Sure, not everyone gets to be so lucky and see how nice your underwear is, but you'll know. Also, be sure to get your bras fitted — often. It will make your clothes hang better and be infinitely more comfortable.
Get Some Stay-Up Thigh-Highs: Sometimes pantyhose creates an unsightly bulge around our mid-section (ladies, you know what we're talking about). To eliminate this altogether, why not use substitute pantyhose with stay-up thigh-highs? They'll do exactly what pantyhose does, minus the bulge.
Work Clothes Need Not Be Frumpy: Just because you have to dress office casual doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style. Find well-tailored pieces and incorporate accessories and colour to create a more exciting look.
Take Care Of Your Undergarments: To extend the longevity of your bra and ensure a perfect fit each time, you'll need to take care of them properly. The experts at La Vie En Rose recommend you wash your bras by hand to ensure they lasts as long as possible. If you opt for machine washing, unhook your bra to prevent it from twisting and turning. You may also want to use a wash bag which will separate and protect your bras from the rest of your clothes. Make sure you select a delicate or permanent press cycle, and whatever you do, do not use detergent. It's way too harsh and will damage the cup, lace and elasticity of your bra. You might want to try using Forever New Fabric Wash. Air dry your bras by hanging them.
If You Feel Uncomfortable, You Probably Look Uncomfortable: Your confidence is affected by what you're wearing, as sad of a thought as that might be. So if you're feeling self-conscious about your outfit, you're likely to be tugging at it or double-checking that everything is in place all day and night.
Don't Overdo Belts: The belt is meant to give you a waist or hold your pants up. There are times however, the belt should be left at home. If an outfit is already fitted, there is no need for a belt. If you are wearing pants but feeling like belting the shirt, it looks a little odd. Use belts sparingly rather than often.
Pretty PJs: You've spent all day looking lovely, so why not go to bed looking pretty too? Falling asleep is all about comfort so rest assured, pretty pajamas don't mean uncomfortable ones. Lose the oversized shirt or baggy sweats for lightweight pajama bottoms and top. Who knows? You might sleep easier.
Less Really Is More: Indecent exposure isn't classy. Celebrity stylist Jen Rade, who has dressed many beauties including Angelina Jolie, told In Style that only one body part should be exposed at a time. If you're baring your decolletage, don't also show off your legs. Remember ladies, a little bit of mystery is alluring. Some things are better left to the imagination.
Watches Are Timeless: Sometimes the thought of throwing on an arm party first thing in the morning can be intimidating, which is why watches are awesome. They are classic and can represent your personality. And if you invest in a good one, it could last you a lifetime.
How To Wear Denim On Denim: The style experts at Refinery 29 say that doubling up on denim can work if you wear dark slim-fitting pants and a lighter slim-fitting top. You might want to break up the jean look by adding a cute belt.
Stock Up On Basics: Known your essentials and stock up. These include white and black blouses, a little black dress, high heels, red lipstick, diamond studs, blue jeans and anything else that has a central role in your style. Remember, these looks are timeless so investing in certain items that are more expensive but higher in quality may be wiser because they will last longer.
Try Everything On: Make sure you always try clothes on when you shop. Yes, we get lazy doing this over and over again but it's a necessary evil. Sizes change depending on fabric, designer and store. You might also want to bring along your own accessories and shoes (or use some at the store) to get a better sense of how the complete outfit will look. You'll also save yourself the hassle of returning or exchanging an outfit that doesn't look right if you try it on before buying it.
Don't Pretend It Fits: We've all been there, standing in the dressing room and convincing ourselves that the button will magically stay closed when we get home (and then, of course, it doesn't). These are the times where we have to accept that our bodies have changed in one way or another, and buy clothes that fit. Because you know what happens to the clothes that don't fit (cue garbage bags being dropped off at Goodwill here).
Go Green: Green is this year's hottest hue according to Pantone so go wild. If you're not a fan of it (or colour in general), try incorporating it into your outfits in small doses with a green purse or some green accessories like a scarf or bracelet.
Go Nude When You Wear White: White is a tricky colour to wear, so if you're wearing white pants, don't wear black or white underwear because it will still be visible through your pants. Instead, buy nude underwear. It's more discreet.
Take Care Of Leather: Real leather is expensive, so it makes sense to take care of it. But often this is one thing we overlook. Soon our favourite boots are destroyed and have salt stains from the dreaded winter. It only takes a few extra minutes to get our prized leather goods ready for bad weather so it's something to start
Dress Your Age: Janice Dickinson doesn't look 57, but she is. We're not going to lie, she looks great, but let's face it, it's a tad tacky when 50-somethings try sporting an outfit you'd normally find on 20-somethings — and vice versa. However, tinsel town allows celebrities more leeway than the real world does for us ordinary folk. As a rule of thumb, stick to age appropriate attire.