Arsenal fan loses his house in a bet on Man Utd game

An Arsenal supporter has lost his family home in a bet with a Manchester United fan.

Henry Dhabasani, of Iganga, in Uganda, staked his house that the Gunners would beat United in last weekend’s clash in a bet with Rashid Yiga. United fan Yiga bet his new Toyota Premio and his wife that David Moyes’ side would triumph.

As we now know, Yiga got it right. He got to keep his Toyota and his wife, and fellow United fans helped to throw Dhabasani and his family out of the property.

Ugandan newspaper The Observer reports:

    “The two put their stake in writing, with local leaders and fans witnessing the deed. Dhabasani, married to three wives with five children, fainted at the end of the match on realizing Arsenal had lost the game 1–0. On Monday, several Manchester United fans stormed Dhabasani’s home and threw him and his family out.”

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