HM Exclusive: Amstel Malta Dance competition winner 2011 with his incredible duo

Just recently I caught up with the duo dancers "FLIPMODE and CYPHER", arguably one of the best duos down in the east.

I met them while at a popular place called "Ibari Ogwa" at Owerri while performing to their own mastered mix and I was blown to bits by their performance. Flipmode (Nonso Nwobu) who was a Final year Student at FUTO and also the Amstel Malta Dance competition winner 2011 had done this incredible chestpump which looked like he separated his chest from his body blew the audience away while cypher (Richard Ogihfo) a 300L IMSU Student did what he called d "halo-back" where he puts his head on the floor, and lean backwards with his legs, that looked like it was impossible but he did it anyways. This made me think these guys have super powers of some sort, but it was just Pure DANCING

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