Good Start: BBM already topping the Top Free iPhone Apps chart!

Here's an image I've been wanting to see for over three years now. We've been clamoring on HugosMedia that RIM should put BlackBerry Messenger on other mobile platforms,
and if they did it would easily top the free downloads charts. If people weren't going to buy a BlackBerry phone, at least you could be at the top of the competition's app stores, right?

As I type this, in Canada and the UK BBM has already gone to #1 in Top Free iPhone Apps chart, and in the USA it's currently sitting at #2 (likely to jump to #1 any hour). It's a great sight for this BlackBerry fan to see. Very soon it would be Number 1 in Nigeria

Should we be surprised? Not really. These listings are momentum driven, and there's a huge pent up demand for BBM - six million pre-registrations is significant. What will be really interesting to observe is if BBM can hold this position at the top for the days and months ahead.

Of course, being on the top lists has a knock on effect to driving more downloads, as "normal" users check out the new free apps within the App Store. Being high up on that list is probably the best advertising you can have. iPhone owners click in with iPhone in hand, they have the urge to download something, and since it's free it's a easy decision to download on the #1 app. Hopefully it'll lead to many more downloads for BBM outside of the users that have been waiting for it.

On that note, reviews and ratings matter - so if you're reading this, love BBM, and downloaded it on an iPhone or Android phone, be sure to give it a 5 star rating and good review. Let's spread the word and keep the BBM downloads coming. I like seeing the number 1 next to the BlackBerry logo!

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